Thursday, April 12, 2012

God's Never Mad

Is it really possible for God to get mad, frustrated or disappointed with us?  He is perfectly good and loving and it is His kindness that leads to change and new perspectives.  His nature is the fruit of the Spirit--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.  This means that God's response to our failures will always flow through one (or many) of these immutable virtues.  There is no fruit of anger.  Any response God has is strategic toward transformation--fruitfulness.  Madness may make my 5-year-old behave better, but it will be at the cost of him fearing me.  Perfect love casts out fear, "because fear has to do with punishment."  Love can't get mad because love can't cause fear.  It's impossible.
So, here's the brutal short of our developing theology of God's outrageous goodness:  He doesn't get mad, nor is He likely to even get disappointed.  Jesus forgave everyone and healed every single person that came to Him.  All this before there was a payment for sin.  It just gets better...  He exudes life, peace and joy.  Get used to it:)


  1. this has really been making me think about the way I parent. yes disciplining with anger wounds your relationship with your kids, and is not a good example of God to them. but is it the same for disappointment? I know God is proud of me no matter what. I think it should be the same with our kids. they cannot dissapiont me. it can be tempting to use THAT as a punishment, "I'm disappointed in your decision." I don't know if that is the best way..... thanks for making me think:)
