Friday, April 6, 2012

Target Group/Church Planting Model?

We have been asked many times about who our target group is or if there was a church planting model that we followed.

Here's our official answer:
For us we don't have a target group even though it may look like this in our church because we are mostly a younger crowd with a sprinkle of addicted, homeless, and an older generation.  But, we pray in the marketplace for everyone.  We want to love everyone.  We don't believe Jesus only targeted the homeless or the fishermen.  If anyone wants to be prayed for, loved on, delivered, accept Jesus, or all of the above we are thrilled!  Our heart for our church is a balanced church of old, young, hip, not hip, homeless, not homeless, and whatever.

Consequently our church should look like who we are.  Being who we are as God made us, and finding our sound and direction totally is of God.  We listen to the Lord about what our "sound" is in worship and create through the creator.  We listen to the Lord about what to say and just be us.  Our church is us. I think if someone asked us who our people group was 10 years ago we would say the homeless or the poor.  Now I would respond that it is everyone and anyone that is hungry.  

A church planting model has always seemed a little weird to us as every situation is different. Is the goal to grow a church or change the world?  Our hearts are to follow the Lord in everyday life, listen to Him as He directs, make lots of mistakes, and create an environment where people can be honest with each other and make mistakes.  So, to really correct myself, that is the church model--imitate Jesus. 

We may not be a huge church or financially successful but to us that doesn't matter.  What we have is a group of people that have been through or are going through healing, deliverance, and know that God thinks they are amazing.  They are equipped and eager to pray for anyone in whatever situation.  This is amazing!  I am so proud of our people.  Seattle isn't safe from the love of God with these crazy people that are in love with Jesus.

Abbi Rodes

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